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From Algolit


Algolit is a workgroup around i-literature, free code and texts. It was initiated by Constant in 2012.

The group meets regularly following the principles of the Oulipo-meetings: they share work and thoughts and create together, with or without the company of an invitee. Algolit is open to anyone interested in exchanging practises around digital ways of reading and writing.


This year we will explore CAMille, the digital archive database dedicated to the history of journalism in Belgium, managed by KBR and ULB. The database is a rich resource that has not been studied very much yet. Existing research shows some fascinating possible threads, around feminism, nature/ecology, colonialism...

The explorations will hopefully lead to the creation of some algoliterary works and an exhibition in 2025. It is the plan, anyway!

You can join for 1 session or be part of the core team that will work towards the creation of the algoliterary works in 2025.

All meetings take place in Meyboom, ground floor, 34 Bd Pachéco | Pachecolaan 34, 1000 Brussels, from 10h till 18h.


- Friday 17 November 23: dr Isabelle Gribomont (KBR/UCL) shares her research in CAMille on 'feminism' and female journalists, discussion and planning, notes:

- Friday 8 December 23: INFORMANTS: we explore the CAMille database and the RTBF newssite database & create pilot corpus on different topics: feminism, nature, colonisation,... Notes:

- Friday 19 January 24: CLEANERS: we will explore and try-out OCR-tools, like Tesseract, post-OCR correction tools, ex. OCR-D. Notes:

- Friday 16 February 24: CLEANERS: we will apply OCR tools to the different pilot corpus. Notes:

- Friday 22 March 24: CLEANERS: REGEX Party! Notes:

- Friday 19 April 24: READERS: text analysis based on pilot corpus: string queries, frequency analysis, context windows, ... looking for patterns, interesting quotes, sentences, types of articles, contextualizing sources (left wing/right wing...)

- Friday 17 May 24: reformulating project & wishes - Notes:

- Friday 21 June 24: Delving into CAMille and the database of Brussels' remarkable trees, to find matching fragments in time & space. Note: the address where we meet is at An's house, An Mertens, Vossenplein 7, 1000 Brussels. More:

Past Meetings

Data Workers

data worker poster

Exhibition of stories told from an ‘algorithmic storyteller point of view’ at the Mundaneum from 28 March until 29 April 2019. As part of the exhibition, we invited Allison Parrish, an algoliterary poet from New York. She gave a talk at Passa Porta in Brussels - watch the video - on Thursday evening 25 April and a workshop at the Mundaneum on Friday 26 April.

Report in Pictures // en français

Download the publication of the exhibition // en français

Find the installations and their sources // en français

Listen to the stories contextualizing the works // en français